In the winter of 2024, I was asked to join a few local women to start a podcast. We recorded close to 25 episodes that first year, had a great time, but then were told abruptly that the podcast would not continue in the fall of 2024. I had signed on with the expectation of only being a host, not interested in managing any of the businessy/ behind the scenes stuff. That said, the three of us quickly found that we were not only driving the boat with things like marketing or brand design but we were also ‘just doing it ourselves’ in more and more circumstances. What was supposed to be just a hired position was turning into something that reflected us and just wasn’t being managed the way we wanted; when the original show was cancelled, it didn’t take much for us to take the chance on ourselves and start a new podcast all on our own. Just 4 Moms was born.

Just 4 Moms is Kallie Branciforte, Caitlin Houston and Megan Schinella. We are all Connecticut content creators and we are sharing weekly conversations with on YouTube and wherever you listen to your podcasts. Topics are certainly not mom-specific, but we are all moms so that always ends up factoring in to what we discuss. We sit down each week to talk about everything from parenting mishaps, to business challenges to aging and more. We certainly don’t have all the answers, but we love that moment of connection that happens when women sit down across from each other and share experiences.

We’d love you to follow us on social media: @just4momspodcast and visit our website HERE.
Technology, Devices and Screen Time with Kids – Just 4 Moms
Our podcast is available across all platforms so listen on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, iHeartRadio or even YouTube if you like to see our video thumbnails! Thanks in advance for listening and wish us luck!