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I’m SO happy you’re here and hope that you’ll leave me a comment and introduce yourself! (Seriously! Most of my day is spent listening to podcasts and making weird projects in my office… I LOVE to hear from my readers!) I assume you know a little something about me, but just in case that’s not the case… here’s a little more information! I’ve been creating projects and sharing them on my website for years so feel free to check out my gallery to see all of my past projects:

I also have home tours on my website from our past three (!!!) houses so feel free to see how my style and photography skills have changed over the years:
Last but not least, one of my favorite things to do is to meet with people to have virtual design consultations. I will speak with you via Zoom for an hour and help you with any design dilemmas you have with your home. For more information click the link below.