Meet Charlotte Smith
I’m Charlotte and welcome to my house! I love color. I love making stuff. I believe a home should reflect your personality and be just as unique as you are! I have a bunch of kids. I don’t drink water. I stay up too late and watch 80s TV shows like it’s my job. But I also share lots ways for you to create a space that feels designed and curated… without breaking the bank. I celebrate the process with my amazing audience and believe the only way to learn new things is to JUST TRY IT.

Everyone loves a back story so here’s mine. In 2012, I was living in New York City maneuvering subways not power tools. I worked as a school counselor and knew nothing about blogging or designing or DIYing. But then we up and went suburban and I fell into blogging as a way to share my newly stay-at-home-mom status, and maintain a modicum of sanity. Remember how I said I knew NOTHING about blogging? Well… for years my blog was a cute hybrid of the words city + suburb + sanity… Ciburbanity. No one could say it. No one could remember it. And the only advantage was the available URL! Now I am DELIGHTED to be At Charlotte’s House which sums up this whole blogging adventure perfectly.
My husband Mark and I have five children between the age of 14 and 8. We’ve moved a number of times since we left New York City. You’re welcome to go check out all the houses here and keep track of how absolutely horrible my photography and styling was back in the day. It’s getting better…
I’ve also suckered some producers into letting me appear on television. Yep… they actually let me go on LIVE TV. Joke’s on them. It all started with Flea Market Flip and the rest is in tidy little thumbnails for you to SEE HERE!
My design style is all over the place but I love colors and pattern and anything quirky or unexpected. I like to say that my home is where DIY meets design.
Other projects you might be curious about? I make giant food out of cardboard. Why? Literally… just because it’s fun. There is no purpose other than I enjoy the process and that feels good so if you like silly pointless projects, you can find lots of my giant food over on Instagram or feel free to read this blog post about them all here too.
Finally, I just wrapped up maybe the biggest project of my DIY career: a flip house. I’m still adding tutorials and posts about this project but for now, here’s the story of how the flip house came to be AND some before/ afters for you!
I love hearing from all of you who stop by so please PLEASE introduce yourself and leave a comment below!