Haven Conference 2015… Arthur Came, He Saw, He Slept
Psssst… this post *might* contain affiliate links: see my disclosure here.
For those of you who follow me on social media… you probably noticed that Arthur and I were party animals this past weekend. The kid needed a break from the daily grind in Connecticut and insisted on a road trip down to Atlanta. (Diva… I know.) Why Atlanta you might ask? Well… Arthur’s big into blogging and every summer, there’s a conference for DIY/ home Design bloggers called Haven.
This was Arthur’s first time attending, obvy, but I’ve been two other times. I love it. The first time I went, I was mildly paralyzed with fear the whole weekend but came away with the firm realization that I had been blogging for my first year without a CLUE. By year two… not so many nerves and a legit sense of what blogging goals I had. Also friends. SO many friends to see in person.
Well, turns out Arthur’s totally a social climber. He managed to work his way up to the one lady in the room who wouldn’t give him the time of day… At one point I could have sworn she was actually asleep.
While Arthur was sleeping, here’s what he missed:
For 362 days of the year, we are friends via text messages and Facebook groups and blog comments and social media. But put these women face to face for the remaining 3 days and it’s like joyous reunions around every corner!
Many people with children might be familiar with the book How Full Is Your Bucket… The gist is that we all have these invisible buckets and when we do good for others, we fill their bucket… but when we malign or slight others, we empty their buckets. In the process… we also fill and empty our own buckets.
Well let me tell you, Haven fills my bucket. It fills my intellectual bucket listening to smart women talk about branding and advertising and growing their business. It fills my emotional bucket visiting with exuberant friends and cheerleaders… both women I’ve known for years and those who I’ve just met! And it fills my personal bucket by giving me confidence and pride for all the things I’ve learned since this blogging lark started a few years ago!
Here are some of the things Arthur enjoyed the most this weekend. Eating, natch. I’d venture to guess he gained 19 pounds in Atlanta. Me too, kid. Me too. Best part of these meals? None of them were on bright plastic Ikea plates and none of them involved chicken nuggets or Cheerios. #foodie
Arthur rubbed shoulders with some of the nicest brand reps I can imagine. He finagled his way into some free gear that he promptly displayed in his room when we got home. Kid’s a clothes horse… what can I say.
I was so flattered and humbled to be accepted as a presenter… Dusty from All Things G & D and Ursula from Homemade By Carmona helped me chat about being a superstar. AKA being in front of a live audience whether on stage at a Home Show or in studio for live TV.
Arthur stayed back in the room to watch golf.
Every year Haven is a reminder of how far I’ve come and where I’m hoping to go! And let’s be honest… any chance we have to reflect back on accomplishments and things learned is a blessing. Likewise… the opportunity to set clear goals and to put balls in motion for future achievement… well that’s pretty great too! (Update: In an attempt to monetize his newly formed baby blog, Arthur will be posting weekly about topics such as which footie pajamas are most flattering, the top vintage breast milks, and the best lighting for chunky thighs.)
Both of us already miss being around our bevy of blogging beauties. There’s nothing like a room filled with motivated like-minded folks, no matter what the industry. We are so excited for the year ahead and all the projects and opportunities we can share with you. Also? We’re exhausted.
It was wonderful to see you again Charlotte and get to meet baby Arthur! Thanks for being a Haven speaker this year and for your willingness to give back to this awesome community of bloggers. Xoxo!
I was SO flattered to be included and don’t know how you guys pull off such a fun event each year! THere’s always something that makes me walk away motivated and excited to grow! Sending love!
It was so great to finally meet you and your handsome little man!! Both of you guys are just adorable 🙂
Thanks, Emily!!! I LOVE Haven and was so glad I came with baby in tow! xx
Oh my goodness! Cutest Haven recap right here! You two were sooo cute at the conference. And I couldn’t help but admire your super momma/blogger skills at work. Hope to see you guys next year!
HAHA! I have others at home so being solo with the baby is waaay easier than going to battle with bickering siblings. 🙂 Thanks, Lauren!!
Vintage breast milk! Love it! If I didn’t have to go to a teacher conference the same week, I totally would have brought Colt so he and Arthur could compare DIY mamas! Lord he is a cutie!
Yes! I think they’re the same-ish age? Would have been a date! Thanks, girl!
I believe they are – Colt is 16 weeks old. We will have to exchange mama war stories at next year’s Haven!
It was really nice meeting and chatting with you. Thanks so much for taking the time to do that!
Goodness, I wish we could have spent more time together! I feel like I know you from comments/ blog stuff… funny the way that works, right?! 🙂 xx
Ok, that might be the cutest Haven Recap ever! SO glad I got to me you and Arthur! Looking forward to next year already!! Stay in touch!
Thanks, Leslie!! I figure if Arthur’s in each pic then no one will notice the circles under my eyes or any typos!! 🙂 And yes… I read that as “meet”. Ha! xx
I meant “meet” you and Arthur. Gah!
I’m so sorry I missed meeting you! I did all I could to stay away from the ladies with babes this year. I’d been away from my brood for two weeks at that point & was missing them. I was too afraid I’d get ideas in my head about needing another if I got too close to those sweet babies. Can’t wait to meet you next year though!
Haha! Yeah… It can definitely be contagious. 🙂 two weeks is a LONG time!!! Looking forward to next year! Xx