Holiday Prep with Cordless Hoover Vacuum Cleaners

Psssst… this post *might* contain affiliate links: see my disclosure here.

Keeping Our House Clean with Hoover ONEPWR

cleaning with hoover onepwr

Disclaimer: This is paid collaboration with Hoover but trust me… never has there been a family who used cleaning appliances more than the Smiths. All opinions and spilled Cheerios are my own.

Halloween is over which means time to focus on… the big clean up. After months of hustling for the One Room Challenge and Fall projects, I’ve spent the last few days cleaning and prepping the house for the holidays. The attic is organized. All the little piles have been taken care of. But there’s one aspect of life in the Smith House that is an ongoing challenge: keeping the day-to-day mess at bay so that we can roll into hosting Thanksgiving and entertaining for Christmas.

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keeping a clean house with hoover

My hack for hosting and preparing the house for holiday guests is… keeping it 70% clean as often as we can. I’m THRILLED to be working with Hoover and their cordless ONEPWR system on this post. All three of these vacuums work off the same battery which makes it PERFECT for those quick clean ups that come on the daily with kids.

battery for Hoover ONEPWR

They sent along their Wet/ Dry Utility Vacuum and we’ve already used it to clean up spilled cereal. This is reenactment but trust me… happens once a week: 5 kids x 2+ bowls of cereal each a day = lots of spillage.

bringing cereal to the table

spilled cheerios on the floor

I have found a wet vac to be a WILDLY helpful tool that you may not know you need… when we’ve had flooding anywhere in the home, being able to grab this has been a lifesaver. It comes with a filter and a few different attachments so once the inner tank is full, just dump and rinse and you’re good to go.

cleaning up spilled cereal

Another vacuum that I’ve always wished we had is this Floormate Jet  Hard Floor Cleaner. Murphy’s law tells me that the times the kids spill something, it’s going to be sticky. I’m looking at you milk, juice, eggs, syrup… inevitably they wipe it up with a paper towel and then I notice a few hours later a tacky spot on my floor and I end up on my hands and knees with surface cleaner and paper towels. NO MORE!

eating waffles with syrup

spilled syrup

Now… the kids can grab the Floormate Jet and take care of the spill the right way the first time. P.S. the only way I can get my kids to help clean is if they get to use something they consider to be a ‘power tool’… they feel VERY empowered using all of these ONEPWR vacuums.

cleaning up spilled syrup

Life with kids means little tiny things are ALWAYS on my carpet and floor. Sure, they can try to take care of it with our handheld vacuum or the dustpan but inevitable they spill the dustpan on their way to the trashcan or the battery is dead on the handheld and… my carpet is still a mess.

playing with perler beads perler beads on the floor

This Blade Max Cordless Vacuum Kit has a handful of the perfect attachments for these small clean ups… Louisa used one to pick up the Perler beads. I have a love/ hate relationship with them… Yay for fine motor skills and creative play. Nay for beads spilled literally everywhere. (Incidentally… this also converts to a hand held vacuum so three cheers for cleaning prowess.)

cleaning up perler beads

Last but not least… as much as we love our dogs, I know that people who come to visit don’t love the site of a dog hair covered couch. Frank doesn’t shed a ton for most of the year, but coming in and out of winter, he seems to drop hair by the clumps.

dogs lying on blue couch

I give our blue velvet couches a quick hit with the smaller brush roller attachment on the vacuum and it keeps the dog hair at bay. How I keep dog hair off my couch is one of the most common questions I get asked on Instagram, so there you have it… my secret weapon. Note… I could have removed the long nozzle on this one to convert it into a smaller handheld vacuum!

vacuuming up the dog hair

Something about having the right tool for the job always makes clean up easier, in my opinion. And being able to delegate clean-up to my kids if possible… well that’s just the parenting way isn’t it? These lightweight battery powered ONEPWR appliances are the best type of holiday cheer I can imagine, and the Smiths are officially ready for houseguests.  All ONEPWR appliances are available at, and select retailers nationwide. Be on the lookout for some amazing Black Friday deals… you heard it here first!

holiday ready for guests


Thanks to all of you who commented. The Giveaway is now over!

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    1. With two kitties and hauling my roller briefcase in a d out daIly i could use one of these heck any of these!

    2. So cool these new ‘powertoOls’ of vacuums! With two dogs and a cat- the hair is always piling up and then the rainy days come and its even worse! These seem like they could be such a cool remedy to our problem! So cool!

  1. Great photos & post, charlotte! Cool giveaway too. Battery operation!!!!Would make Things so much easier. These would be used daily in our house…

  2. that handheld vac for pet hair and tiny kid messes looks amazing, we have a playdoh and kinetic sand lover at my house and i’m amazed at how many crumbs end up on the floor after an hour of creating, disassembling and recreating from the same few tubs!

  3. My Battery operated vacuum just died (not a hooVer) and beyond repair. I have two Toddlers and a dog that sheds sO much i could stuff pillows. i need something all day, every day.

  4. Hi Charlotte, It is so fun to see how the kids got involved and brought a smile to my face. You are truly a super mama! I’ve got two kids, two dogs, oh and one messy husband so I can totally relate haha!

  5. Cordless anything is the best But ESPECIALLY vacuums! Congratulations Charlotte on another great campaign. You deserve it?


  7. Oh wow! I’m feeling very jealous right now.
    I have been thinking of Adding a new vacuum cleaner to my arsenal. I love mY messy crumb spilling family and my big yellow dog, but they sure do leave a mess in their wake!

    1. Please send all asap! Lol…im inspired now tO have a blue or green velvet couch! I have 2 dogs ? ? i am grateful to be considered. Thank You for the chance!! ?

  8. First if mom you need to get them a agent. They are very professional and the little guys is a natural. ? but this products are great! So many of them for so many different jobs that I is hard to pick one.

  9. I didn’t even know hoover had a cordless vacuum! Researching now so my 4 little monsters can have a new Toy to clean wIth this year! Ha!

  10. I am forever cleaning crud up. I am a shut in and craft and have a cat and always have liquid to mop up. i vac daily as i am deathly allergic to my cat.

  11. Thanks for sharing thEse HoOver products with us i had no idea they where out there.?‍♀️
    The blade Max cordless vacuum kit is thE one im going to take a close look at! Your kids aRe adOrable also!!

  12. I am in desperate need for a new vacuum! My current one is not handling The dog haIr that is all. Over. EverythIng. Also, cute pics!

  13. cutest children ever….and now using the Hoover to clean!! How nifty!! If I win the Hoover maybe you could loan me precious arthur!? ?

  14. It’s only me and my husband at our house, but most of the time it looks like five kids live here! Every home needs good cleaning tools!

  15. The boys’ facial expressions are fantastic! I woul love me some hoover acTion.
    Im not yelling-foR some Reason this is not allowing me tO type in lower case… i fEel So…strident!

  16. i have a unique problem – my toddler throws his food on the ground and then in an attempt to get every last drop my dog licks and licks the floor (i’m sure you feel me on this onE). its so hard to stay ON TOP of that nastiness without the right cleaning tool – the hard floor cleaner looks amazing for this!

  17. If i win, do yOur kiddos come with to teach mine how to clean?! Lol, in all realness, this would be amazing To Win!

  18. Wow! After mOving into a nEw house with both hardwood and carpet areas plus a cat, i could DEFINITELY use these products! your posts are always so helpful!

  19. we’re in the market for a new vacuum cleaner! We’ve got hardwood floors, so something that actually cleans and picks up crumbs is perfect. These all look amazing.

  20. The Hard Floor Cleaner! My large glossy floor tiles are always showing up every spec of dirt! Love the thought of this clean in 1 sweep! ?????

  21. Just moved into my first hoUse ever Over the summer and Adopted two cats. My new couch is not looking so new and i could totally see myself in the pic of you VACUUMING your couch ? keep fighting the good fight!!

  22. I would love to win one of these fantastic VACUUMS! We are just about to have our first baby at the end of december and want to make sure our floors stay extra clean so we Don’t have to worry about her crAwling around on them!! Also, im such a big fan of yours charolette, and love everything you do 🙂

  23. Ah! Love This post. Ive been in tHe market for a new vac and this was very helpful! I love the idea of having wet/dry utility vac!

  24. With 3 young girls who love beads, playdoh, cutting paper into tiny pieces, rice lovers, and all the crackers, chips, a d cereal…i NEED THIS!!!

  25. My go to rUle is to try to always be 20 minutes away from company coming over. Sometimes that means 20 minutes of frantically running around throwing things in to the closet. And some times that means 20 minutes of leisurely fluffing the pIllows.

    Thanks for the hoover giveaway!

  26. With a floofy cat leaving Tufts of HAIR around my house like tumbleweeds and another one shedding tiny prickly hairs I could use a new vacuum for the couch for sure! That wet/dry vac is pretty awesome too though!

  27. I need THE CORDLESS vacuum! I Have so much tile As well as wood stairs. Oh, and don’t forget, 8 grandkids going in And ouT tracking-in all kinds of sTuff! #HooveRHelpagrannyout

  28. I’ve always Been a faN of hoover aNd love their products. I could really use a new vaccum, floor cleaner or carpet cleaner right about now because we just had a ceilinG leak in our dining room and all the drywall had tO come Down. TheRe’s dust everywhere aNd ill be cleaning for days after all the repairs are done. Hoover would make the job a lot easier! Thanks hoover for being a great brand with great products!

  29. I have a dog and three cats. i need all the help i can get with trying to keep the floors clean!

    What an awesome giveaway.

  30. We have 3 kids, a 15 year old beagle and juSt welcomed a 15 month old Golden Retriever service dog for my middle child. I would love one of these to help manage all things pet and tiny human RElated! 🙂

  31. between 3 kids and 2 dogs, I can use all the help I can get trying to get (nevermind keep!) the house clean… (BTW, I looove your orc design, it turned out incredibly beautiful!!)

  32. I’m actually not feeling guilty about me laughing over the mess your family makes, knowing you have such an amazing system to clean it up easily and conveniently.

  33. Light weight and cordless!
    Just what i need for cleaning up after tWo dogs,grandchildren, and a wood working husband’s mess!

  34. A wet/dry vac that is ACTUALLY stylish! Teach the kids to clean and tHEir housemates lAter in life will be soOoo thankful.

  35. I know that I am a grown up because: I enter a contest to win a vacuum and dream of cleaning my house when no one is home.

  36. Your kiddos are the absolute cutest!! Arthur’s face with that spill is perfection!! I certainly could have used that vacuum in my classroom everyday, but especially during those few years when we served breakfast in the classrooms. Oh my!! Thanks for educating and entertaining me every day!!❤

  37. House full of kids and a puppy, one of these goodies would make my life easier! Love all the pics of your kids making messes, too cute!

  38. I need tO clean ip the CRUMBLING cement in the basement and i just bought my college boy a rug for the doRm. So i spent sat looking at drywet vacS in home depot and searching for little Something the college kids can use as They’ll need it! I never knew hoover made these! Thanks. Oll expand my search.

  39. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s vacuum…but i TOTALLY do!!! (Oh, and your home if im being honest here. )

  40. I had no idea there were so many options for cleaning up a Mess. With a GOLDEN retriever the stick vac would be a lifesa

  41. We’ve been doing alot of renovations to our Kitchen, basement & complete demo on the bathroom-one Of these Tools would be great to aDd to help us clean up! Thanks!

  42. Oh man, with 3 cats, one dog, and two young and Very messy boYs, we could use a killer vacuum like one of these!

  43. 1 hairy dog, 4 Grandbabies, 2 hairy granddogs, there is always some sort of mess happening around here, but life would be boring without it! Would love to win and cordless is s such a bonus. woohoo! ?

  44. BETWEEN 2 hunting dogs and a husband running in aNd out of the house, messes are left everywhere! A hoover would be a handy “picker upper” !!

  45. I LIve in 1930 Bungalow, with in floor air return. Fur Mom of three precious dogs. The Dog hair is unreal. WOULD love one!!!! SO.erhing That actually works on dog HAir.

  46. my toddler loves to help clean! This would be perfect for her to handle. Also, with TWO cats, toddler and baby on the way, I could use all the help I can get.

  47. Obsessed with how much the kiddos Got into it! Wonder if they will try to blame future accidents on “acting” ?

  48. I was a little excited that hoover was going to be at Haven and *may have* sung the “Hoover Song” in the car ride from VA to Ga one or two times….*maybe…..

    Nobody does it like you…the way that you do…. (i can keep going….)

  49. Vacuuming is actually my favorite chore- it is just so satisfying! Ha! I’d love to win one of these awesome Hoover products for our endlessly messy home!

  50. love you and a vacuum. Surely you have a random picker to choose a winner!! Winner, winner, chicken dinner?memememememe?

  51. One of these would be a greAt addition tO our CLEANING tools! With 2 kids and a dog we are consta CLEANING up messes! ?

  52. Looks like I need these To clean up all the toddler mess coming into my near future!!! Thanks for the reminder 😉 these would definitely help!

  53. There’s SOmething about a great vacUum that can change the whole cleaning exPerience… there are just certain luxuries In life that we deserve and a vacuum that makes your life easier is one of them!!!

  54. With 3 catS, 1 dog, and a husband covered in hair, i cant keep up! The cordless one is a must for me to chase hairballs on our wood flOors.

  55. Hoover is such a great Product! I WOuld lOve to win – lots of cleaning to do at my hoUse with my big family and friends and dogs coming in And out all the time… thank you ??

  56. A new vac would be appreciated by mabel and me (mabel the canine and me the human) our cuRrent vac is losing it’s battle, hepa filture is duct taped in and it legit sounds like a sCreeling storm siren. Freaking poor mabel out ???

  57. Our house is all sealed HARDWOOD except for onE lonely carpeted Room. After walking through syrup this morning on my way through the kiTchen, the CORDLESS hard floor Cleaner Has me all googly-eYed. Dreaming of shiny clean non-sticky-ness… and children cleaning up after themselves.

  58. Vacuums with big canisters attached remind me of my moms old Vacuum that lasted a good 30+ years. These look awesome!

  59. Need the cordless to deal with the dog Hair that gets into eVery nook and cranny. So difficult to keep plugging in while Vacuuming each area it Covers.

  60. Amazing! You know you’re aln adult when vacuums are this exciting ha ha and with 4 little boys we are always vacuuming around here. Thanks for the chance.

  61. That looks like it must have been a super fun photo shoot! How often does mom say “Okay, I need you to spill your bowl of cereal”?! Awesome. 🙂

    The Wet/Dry vac would be an amazing tool to have around our house. a dog, three cats, and an ALMOST-five-year-old GRANDDAUGHTER mean there are LOTS of spills of all sorts. The versatility of a machine like that would save the day. all the days!

  62. What an awesome selection to choose from! I would pick the ONEPWR Blade MAX Cordless Vacuum Kit as I mostly have carpet.

  63. These look promising. I’ve been trying to find a decent cordless vac for everyday use but many either have low battery life or don’t seem sturdy enough for a multi pet house. I will look into these more. Thanks

  64. YIKES!! How on earth did i almost miss this giveaway?? Would love to win to keep up with the dog fur on the sofa, no maTtEr what we can’t keep her off ?‍♀️Happy Thanksgiving to you aNd your sweet fam

  65. i don’t have 5 kids But i do have 5 dogs, 3 bunnies and many messy messy birds! I’d love to win A hoover, and then maybe botrow a kid to run it for me? Your kids seem to be having loads of fun running tours! ??

  66. I Would Love any of these. Murphys law hit us last week. My husband had hernia repair surgery on Thursday so he is out of the game fOr at least a few seeks. Friday Morning our basement Flooded – i kid you not! PlumBers were here for 4 hours in Friday and 2 hours on Saturday ? i am in clean up mOde ??

  67. With Charlie the 13 year old lab, we have gone tHrough about 4 vacuums in his lifetime. Any one of those would be awesome!

  68. Vacuuming is actually my favorite. Such a SATISFYING result without a Whole lot of effort. I Would love to add to my vacuum/floor cleaning arsenal!

  69. Charlotte’s so smart by teaching kids how to Use A vacuum to clean at an early age THEY’LL get in the habit so in the future THEY’LL dO it automatically and its so nice to have a cool Hoover
    Super job Charlotte

  70. Two dogs create tumbleweed size fur balls if not vacuumed on the regular. It Would be so nice to have a cordless Stick vac to Tackle them.

  71. These all sound aMazing! I hate my current vacuum and have been looKing at cordless options. So excited to find one i haven’t seen before!

  72. with a dog and a mom on dialysis cleanLiness iS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT To me. A cordless Vac would make my Job so much EASIER

  73. let’s just say that if I win the hoover, I’m almost certain my two, 9 and 6, will jump at the chance to help mom clean….right. Good luck to us all.

  74. Oh boy do I need a VacUum that can really get the dog hair. I cou also make good use of the hoover wet dry vacuum. Grandkids are here several days a week and could earn the keep using either one!

  75. With 4 kids, three under 5, i soooo need one of these!!! My life will so much eAsier and the kids might actually help!! Lol

  76. i recently moved back home With a massive hairy puppy. Id love something to make cleaning up his hair a little eAsier, and hopefully more fun!

  77. Oh my goodness! i would so love to win one of these. I’ve wanted a good cordless Vac for a long time but it just hAsn’t been In the budget. These are all amazing!

  78. Love the cordLess feature! We homeschool with 4 kids and a dog, so messes all day long. (Sorry for ALL CAPs, it won’t turn off. ) ?

  79. I could not get the link to work yesterday. I hope this still counts! I would love a Hoover to clean up around the house.!!

  80. Mother of 6, 5 of which are boys. I know I don’t Need to explain to you the messEs kids make… constantly. A great product to make cleaning easier is always a blessing. More time with family, less time spent cleaning. Thank you for sharing products that work.

  81. All I wa for ChRistmaS is a new Vacuum! A new vacuum! A new vacuum! All i want for christmas is a new vacuum so i can clean into the new year! My 25 year ild self cannot believe i am writing this! When i got a vacuum that year i cried! I wiuld do a major happy dance now!

  82. tHose All look like gReat vacuum cleaners! They have Really improved over the yeaRs – cordless is a game Changer.

  83. I’ve been vacuum shopping! White dog hair on the wood floors in my new hOuse is driving me nUts! Something quick to clean it up iS exactly What i need.

  84. Love you charlotte!!! Love that your house doeSn’t look like every other ig feed. I sometimes forget that we’re not real life friends when i mention your name to my hUsband. We were starting to look for a new vacuum because, with 3 dogs, our curRent one is about to surrendeR!!! Keep doing you!! Ps- i’M not yelling but it will only let me type in caps….so let’s just take it as excitement?