Shared Kids Bedroom
Psssst… this post *might* contain affiliate links: see my disclosure here.
Disclaimer: RugsUSA provided me with the mack daddy rug for this room, but the opinions and drool and obsessive love are all my own.
I realized the other day that Eleanor and Oliver’s shared bedroom is REALLY different than the one on the House Tour and I haven’t posted about any of the little changes! Thanks to RugsUSA, I have a reason to share this new and MUCH improved new space. Like a million times improved. With a cherry on top.
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Here’s what it used to look like. Fine, but not a lot of room for actual PLAY.
This has always been one of my favorite rooms in the house. It gets amazing sunlight because of the two windows and for whatever reason it’s just a happy space. Before I show off some of the new additions (ahem… the rug)… let’s take a quick look back on all the projects going on in there. It started with this fabric. I loved the colors and the pattern and thought it could be great for a shared boy/ girl room. Bingo. (It’s no longer available on the link I originally posted, but the fabric is called Richloom Somerset Basketweave in Seabreeze.)
Next I brought in the dress-up storage and my controversial herringbone dresser. (The controversy was that I… painted a potentially mid-century modern piece. Gasp.) I stenciled the accent wall and DIY’d that acrylic frame.
Thanks to the Home Depot, I had the chance to bring in this fun plywood reading nook.
And to make more space, we sold the old beds and bought these great bunk beds… I love that they have stairs so in the middle of the night, it’s just as easy to get down from the top bunk. All of the kids LOVE these beds and will make up games to play in the top bunk. And the other day I went up there to make the bed and I pulled down 15 stuffed animals and dolls so clearly Eleanor’s hoarding tendencies are still solid. The room is SO much more open for giant train tracks or dumping out their sock drawer.
Last but NOT LEAST… OH. EM. GEE. The rug. The previous rug was a little dreary and just seemed to have run its course. I wanted something graphic and bright and fun. Oh, and something that matched the crazy color scheme already going on. Just the right blue or just the right green or just the right other blue… tricky.
SO there you have it. A whole new and improved kids’ room thanks to lots of DIY and one gorgeous new rug. I heart RugsUSA every time I walk into this room. (Except for the times when I can no longer see the rug because of the debris.)
Love it. great colors.
Thanks! I’m a BIG fan myself… the kids could care less. 🙂
Love the rug. Where do you put all the stuffed animals etc when you take the room photos?
I know it can’t possibly so neat and tidy most of the time.
Nope. You would be correct! I gather the excess in a big laundry bag and just drag it into the hall. 🙂 I will say, the kids room is often similar to this because they don’t play in here as often as other parts of the house. There are baskets EVERYwhere… under the bed, under the bookshelf, under the window… lots of stuff is just corralled!
Where did you get that awesome bunk bed??? I totally want one for my boys!
It’s the best! There’s a dealer up here near us. I’m sure some bed store near you will carry it. I don’t worry at all about the night waking/ stumbling off the bed business!
What dealer for the bed? I live in town. My kids would love that! Thank you.
Hey! It’s a place in Norwalk right down the street from Stepping Stones. They were super nice and came and set it all up too.
One other comment……how on earth to you get them to agree on who gets the top and who gets the bottom? Now you are in the Mommy advice business!
HA! I don’t think we gave them the choice! We just said our oldest would be on the top. I *think* there may have been a moment when our son baulked, but we said they could switch every few months… he’s never reminded us. 🙂
I remember the original! This looks fab too.
Thanks, Pat! The bunk beds make the whole space ‘feel’ bigger… may or may not be true! 🙂
In you reading nook, which we are planning to make for our grandaughter, what did you use for a cushion in the nook. Thanks dp
Hi! I just used a heavy blanket we had lying around, but anything could work: old comforters, yoga mats, sleeping bags. If I ever have to move it and rebuild, I might go ahead and screw some boards across the cross beams just so it’s a flat surface for them to sit on…. that said, the cross braces haven’t slowed them down one bit! 🙂