Spray Painted Headboard

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Headboard Makeover in Eleanor’s Room

headboard makeover in eleanor's room

Disclosure: I’m thrilled to be partnering with Rust-Oleum spray paint to bring you this fun headboard makeover. All opinions are my own.

The evolution of a space is sometimes a long and winding one, and Eleanor’s room has been ground zero for a domino effect of updates! It all starts with a new rug. The new rug did NOT match the thread of green throughout the room, so I had to somehow update her headboard and her nightstand! Thankfully… updating these pieces took one afternoon and three easy steps!

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girls room before

If you’ve been following my blog for more than a hot second, you know that the first thing I reach for when taking on any furniture update is paint. Specifically spray paint if possible because it makes the process SO much more efficient and successful. With spray paint, you’re only limited by the available colors, but my favorite brand, Rust-Oleum 2X Ultra Cover had the perfect blue for Eleanor’s new room updates: Satin Midnight Blue.

Step 1. Clean

Step one of any painting project is to CLEAN. I put Eleanor to work on this one going over the headboard nooks and crannies making sure there was no dust or dirt. (I gave her headboard the slightest sanding before she cleaned, and honestly I probably could have done a better job… this is very old piece so the wood isn’t nearly as smooth as it could be.

cleaning the headboard

Step 2. Prime

Step two is to PRIME! Rule #1 with any spray paint project is to keep the can moving and apply multiple coats of a thin even layer of spray paint.

prime the headboard with rust-oleum 2x priming the headboard

Step 3. Spray Paint!

For those of you keeping track… that’s two steps so far. TWO. This is why I love spray painting so much: big bang for you buck! Once the primer has set (follow directions on the can), you’re ready for paint! I know I mentioned earlier, but I’m using Rust-Oleum’s 2x Ultra Cover Midnight Blue in Satin finish and it’s just the right amount of sheen for me. The color was the perfect match and I’m definitely going to reach for this navy again!

spray paint can for headboard makeover

I lay the headboard flat just to prevent any drips, and then I slowly but surely moved around the headboard applying a thin even coat. Repeat this step until you achieve total coverage sanding between coats as necessary!

spray painting a headboard spray painting a headboard spray painting a headboard

When I was taking pictures of this headboard, I could tell how old the piece was by the funky reflection of light on the satin finish in places… in some photos it looks blotchy, but in real life it’s the smoothest prettiest blue and it matches the rug perfectly!

headboard after spray paint

Other tips: I let the headboard sit outside in my shed for a few days before bringing it up to Eleanor’s room just to let it air out a bit, and obviously wear a mask and spray paint in a well ventilated spot. I find that these comfort grips (shown above) make painting larger pieces much much easier too!

headboard spray painted blue

Because of the room evolution, Eleanor also got a new loveseat in her room so I spray painted a small side table from my stash with the same lovely blue to sit next to her couch. You’ll notice new curtains and slightly different furniture arrangement too so yeah… cha cha changes.

loveseat in eleanor's room spray painted side table in eleanor's room

She is THRILLED by the updates and feels very grown up in this room. The navy headboard is so versatile and chic. I love how it complements the soft pink and the wooden nightstand I picked up at the flea market plays nicely with everything too! I have one desk chair to makeover and then her room refresh is done. For now.

close up of headboard

If you don’t believe how often I reach for spray paint to update a piece of furniture or space in our house, check out my Furniture Flips page. Rust-Oleum has so many wonderful colors to choose from and, after tackling so many makeovers, it’s also my hands-down favorite brand for coverage and versatility.

finished headboard spray painted finished headboard spray painted

Leave me a comment and let me know YOUR favorite furniture makeovers using spray paint… I’m SURE you guys have some good ones! In fact, Rust-Oleum is giving away a select number of Home Depot gift cards this summer. If you have something you want to upcycle, use Rust-Oleum spray paint, and share your project on Instagram using #spraynewlife. For more info, visit rustoleum.com/spraypaint!

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three easy steps to spray painting and transforming a head board

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