The Real Deal Christmas Tour
Psssst… this post *might* contain affiliate links: see my disclosure here.
Here’s a little fun fact about bloggers that all of you need to know.
We lie.
We lie through our teeth. All the time. What you see are these beautiful pictures… what we see 6 inches outside of each beautiful picture is… not so lovely. Don’t get me wrong… I love my favorite blogs and decorating magazines because they’re inspirational and beautiful… but I also know that a team of stylists and photographers have been scurrying around behind the scenes to make each photograph come to life. And my blog is similar. My stylist’s name is Charlotte and in a weird twist of fate, my photographer is also Charlotte. Last week, I shared our holiday home tour. Which was a big fat lie. (See above.)
Allow me to give you the real scoop. Thanks to my friend Chelsea from Two Twenty One, I’m coming clean.
Home tour foyer:
Aaaaaaannnnnd back her up 6 feet.
Let’s break this one down a bit shall we?
1. Tuft and Needle were generous enough to provide mattresses for our recent Bloggers Heart Habitat project. Did I move this into the garage? No I did not. There it sat for 3 weeks.
2. Facebook tag sale sites are the worst. This diaper pail sat on the front stoop for a day and the buyer flaked. Sooooooo…. like any organized person, I just dragged it into the foyer. I’ll have to re-list it soon.
3. 95% of my cleaning up strategy involves throwing things into an Ikea bag (affiliate). Exhibit A.
4. That arm on the chair? Still unfinished. I posted the foyer reveal months and months ago and STILL haven’t added the trim to the armrest. It’s cool… you can pin it.
Here’s the foyer from another vantage point. I shared this lovely image on Instagram. What I love about it is that it’s clean and simple. Not a lot of ‘noise’…
Let the deceit wash over you for a minute and then I’ll get into some details.
1. Remember what I said about Ikea bags (also an affiliate)? I wasn’t kidding.
2. The yellow thing is a street light. No lie. I want to rig it up and hang it in the playroom. It’s been there for a year.
3. I JUST brought all the ornaments down from storage. And now you expect me to bring the storage box BACK up to attic so it’s not in the way? Your opinion is noted. Duly noted.
4. Why do I have so many Christmas table cloths? We only have one table and we barely eat an organized meal on Christmas. Wanna know what 5 small kids are NOT interested in on Christmas morning? A formal sit down meal. Pancakes for lunch, anyone?
Think it’s different on another day? Nope. Different day… new junk.
1. Buddha normally lives on that little campaign dresser. It felt potentially awkward having a Buddha right next to my “God bless us, every one” light board. I feel like Buddha would be cool with it, but technically Buddha didn’t believe in God. Whoa… my messy room just got heady.
2. Those are boxes of glass tiles that I was all gung-ho to install until I realized two things: they are complicated to cut and the space I was thinking of tiling is as crooked as a dog’s hind leg.
And just because this makes me laugh… peer through the foyer into the playroom. I mean, that is a trashed room. Although no cushions have been removed from the furniture so it could be worse.
OK. Let’s move on to the next show stopping space in the home tour. (It’s cool if you need to come back and read the rest of this post later… jealousy can be a powerful emotion.) This is our office. I actually couldn’t get my act together to share this in the house tour so consider this a little Bonus Feature. Please set your eyes on the vacuum and more Christmas table linens. Also… that brown chair is homeless and so there it sits. Not matching and collecting crapola.
I haven’t shared the dining room and my holiday tablescape, but… what I can show you is this pile of returns that sat on that chair for a month. And actually… now that I look more carefully, it’s also our Thanksgiving tablecloth piled up there. Full circle, folks.
The real crowning glory of this home tour is the kitchen area. I don’t photograph the kitchen very often because of the dated green vinyl tile. (I challenge anyone to make those look cool.) Let’s warm up with a reminder of how this corner looks in a blog world.
Sadly… that corner hasn’t looked that way since this photo was taken.
‘But surely you’re making this up and that area isn’t always that bad,’ you mutter to yourself through clenched teeth. #sorry
1. Oliver has learned to use our mini screw driver. Which means he pretty much goes through life replacing all the batteries in his toys. There’s a reason that firetruck no longer has a battery, kid.
2. That vintage thermos was too cute to pass up at the flea market. Do I have a clue where it can go? Nope. Not a one.
3. I’m pretty sure I mentioned that green chevron thing as a way to wrangle clutter in one of my more popular organizing posts. Say it with me… lies. All lies.
Wanna detail? Sher you do!
1. Thanksgiving. That’s how long those brushes have been ‘soaking.’
2. Not just one but TWO spoons left over from the kids giving the dog his wet food.
3. If I just leave the plants in the sink, they’re much easier to clean up when I inevitably kill them. #protip
Last and definitely least… I have no excuse. Again, not staged. Not unusual.
It’s a little better right now as I sit and type, but that counter is the Bermuda triangle of clutter. Which actually doesn’t make any sense because that would mean there’s NO clutter… so I take that back. That counter is like a flashmob of clutter.
1. Nothing gets a gal to take down her Fall tablescape like a Christmas tablescape.
2. Those stumps are the kids’ Christmas presents. Sort of. It always seems like such a nice idea to have the kids make something for folks and then I do the math… five kids-grandparents, teachers… adds up fast!
3. More harvest decor. Don’t worry… it’s working its way up to the attic. Baby steps.
4. In the whole vein of the out with Autumn and in with Christmas… that trash bag is filled with old pumpkins. The rest of the trashcan is just plain overflowing. One of those things I’m blind to until I see a picture like this. Grrrrr.
And there you have it. I’ve come clean. This is allllll the lies I’ve thrown your way in the last week. Forgive me. It comes with lots of love! (To see previous lies… click here.)
Unfortunately… my friends are liars too:
Chelsea from Two Twenty One
Jenna from Rain on a Tin Roof
Chelsea from Making Home Base
Taryn from Design, Dining, & Diapers
Katie from Bower Power
Shop my favorites!
You KNOW you want to PIN IT for later –>
Loved your tour. Made me feel better about my less than perfect home. Good reminder about what is really important at Christmas.Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Same to you! Merry CHristmas! Clutter and all. 🙂 xx
YES!! All of it, yes!! I love the beautiful styled pictures, but real life ones are just reassuring to me that I’m not alone in the piles of “crapola” covering the counters and chairs, along with the multiple bags that I use as “organizers”. Merry Christmas!!
🙂 Thanks! Merry CHristmas to you too! xx
My house is neat (only because my kids are in college) but I can’t do 1/100th of the things you can do. I’d kinda rather be you.
🙂 Very kind. I’m an expert at shuffling around piles from room to room, clearly. 🙂 xoxo
We actually converted our Buddha to Christianity about three months in. Now she has a regular bible study in the bathroom on Wednesday mornings 🙂
xo – kb
p.s. loved your home tour!
Haha! Our elf has been leaving hints about going vegan and Elsa has been watching an awful lot of Tom Cruise movies… it’s getting tense around here. 😉 Have a great Christmas, Bowers! My kids overlap pretty evenly with yours so I can only imagine the fun you have in store!! xx
Balahaha! Why didn’t you guys include me in this hop?? I want to show off my very merry messy home ?? I love real bloggers’ life! Yippy! Have the merriest of Christmases !!!
I don’t know Aniko… it takes real talent to pull something like this off. We’ve been training all year! 😉 Merry merry!! xx
Our house doesn’t always look much neater and there are no children in residence–just one hoarding husband . He hoards books, papers and old computer parts. I thought I had him trained to keep his stuff in his office but he has now spilled over into the family room downstairs. After 51 years, I’m starting to give up. He has learned that the living room and our bedroom are off limits and anything left there will be at the curb on trash day.
Hahaha! We call that the creep and it’s a real thing… slowly but surely, those piles creep their way into the other spaces. 🙂 Good luck! Stay strong! xx
So much fun! Found you from Bower Power – I’ll be back for sure.
Merry Christmas!
Oh yay! I love Katie! Thanks so much for hopping over! xx Merry Christmas!
Oh my gosh, I love this! 🙂 Merry Christmas!
Thanks, Meg! Always a fun post for us. 🙂 Merry Christmas to you too! xx
OMG, you crack me up! And you are a brave soul to put it all out there like that. But you know what?! I still like you and your blog! ha ha!!
HAHA! THanks! 🙂 You know… a sucker for a good blog hop I guess! xx
Love it, makes me feel so much better about my house right now. It will get picked up by the time company comes and projects are put on hold.
Exactly! Company is what gets me moving! 🙂
I love this post, and your stream-of-consciousness about Bermuda Triangle of clutter vs. flashmob of clutter will have me laughing all day.
🙂 Haha! I just picture the music starting and all these little tid bits of junk coming bopping out onto the counter. 🙂
So refreshing to find a real person living in real time. Now I am not as stressed out because my home is not “perfect” . Thanks!!!
It’s so hard to strike the right balance between inspiration and delusion! We are VERY real over here, but I try to show pretty things every so often. 😉 xx
I just feel so much better now about the pile of papers on our kitchen island. The papers change (bank statements, report cards, junk mail), but the pile remains. And of course I remove it to take pictures… then put it right back again!
How do we have SO MANY piles?! They’re like Gremlins!
This post is absolutely this best! i love that your showing, well.. real life! I’m new to your blog and love it, and also a distant neighbor, living in Milford,CT…
Hi! This was such a fun post to write, I’m glad you enjoyed! 🙂 And hello to Milford! xx
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