New Blue Family Room
Psssst… this post *might* contain affiliate links: see my disclosure here.
Revamped New Family Room
Disclosure: I’m so proud to be partnering with Raymour and Flanigan again for this post. All opinions are my own!
I feel like I’ve been waiting with baited breath to share this room with you and the TIME HAS COME! Once again I’ve partnered with my friends at Raymour and Flanigan and I am GIDDY about our new family room.
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This room used to have a large sectional in the corner. The sectional was fine, but not great. It didn’t exactly fit the space and left the room feeling a little lopsided. I decided to swap out our sectional for a new improved family room layout. Did I mention I’m EUPHORIC!
Step #1 in the family room revamp was a PAIR of three seater couches. Plenty of seating for our family of 7 and slightly better fit for the space with one under each set of windows. One of my favorite things about Raymour is going to their showroom. Even though many of the items I selected were special order/ website only… the couches went through *many* iterations thanks to my hour (or two) in the showroom. (This would be the right time to give my Sales Associate Thea a virtual high five… I have never waffled so much about a piece of furniture as I did these couches…)
I marched into the showroom with the pipe dream of getting blue velvet couches. Many of their furniture lines have the option of custom upholstery and the fabric choices are BANANAS! I won’t take you on the circuitous path that lead me to these couches, because it got dicey at times. What ultimately made my decision for me was when Mark measured our existing couches and told me which ones were most comfortable for him to sit in… Thea knew right away which of the Raymour couches would be deep enough and, as luck would have it… one of the deeper couches had the custom fabric option of BLUE velvet.
The arms on these chairs are SUPER chic and luxe which made me nervous for a minute, but I decided that a throw pillow could still make these couches ‘sleep-able’ and the clean profile + blue velvet meant custom couch heaven. I also love the clean lines of 2 seat cushions vs. 3.(And for anyone anxious about my fabric choice, for $120, Raymour will guarantee/ clean upholstery for 2 years… yeah, they will come clean/ replace as needed!)
Enough about my two new glorious sofas… I went back and forth on how to tie these two sofas together and this ginormous wooden coffee table is exactly the right piece. It’s sturdy enough for the kids to hypothetically dance on and has that bare wood tone that I’m loving right now. Also… lots of great storage underneath. Storage is my love language.
Figuring our end tables for the couches was a challenge. After trawling the website, I realized I was searching in the wrong place. I took a gander at some nightstands and bingo! They’re the right height, they coordinate with the coffee table and… there’s that word again: storage. Do you see how the top drawer pulls out to be the perfect place to rest a bowl of ice cream or a glass of wine? So smart.
Because the couch/ end tables is in front of the window, I chose a pair of clear glass lamps so as not to block the view too much.
In order to keep the one couch centered between the windows, I brought in a floor lamp rather than introduce another end table. This one has one of those switches that is on the floor and, aside from being Arthur’s newest favorite activity, it is SO easy to turn on and off with the tap of your foot.
I mapped out this room over and over, but graph paper is never a substitute for this modern technology known as “in real life”. That one corner in the room is the trickiest, in my opinion, and I actually think one more smaller side table would be good there just to provide a place to rest a drink… to be continued.
With our old layout, we had the armchair I upholstered, but the new layout doesn’t allow for a chair there anymore. What it DOES lend itself to is a bench in front of the fireplace. The ottoman is gorgeous…it’s from the Austin line which is very very cool.
Last but not least, I wanted to swap out the map for something else. This room is in the back of our house so, despite all the windows, it doesn’t get super bright light. A mirror is always a nice way to brighten up a room, so I set my sites on a larger, funkier mirror that would fit between the two windows opposite from the stairs. How cool is the one I found?!
Oh, that layered bright rug grounds the seating area a bit and feast your eyes on that styled coffee table. It will look like that for 4 minutes until someone kicks over the plant or leaves a half eaten lollipop on one of the coffee table books.
This room is beyond new an improved now… with more furniture, it ironically feels SO much roomier and spread out and I think that’s entirely to do with the new layout.
Check out the two other projects I’ve done with Raymour… our playroom, and our Bloggers Heart Habitat boy’s room. Raymour’s doing it right: a variety of quality products, customer service, spot-on delivery… let’s just say, time after time they nail it. I LOVE my new family room and keep staring with googly eyes at the two new blue velvet couches!
Looks so good Charlotte! Love that blue.
Thanks, Jessica!! The brighter the better! 🙂