DIY Housewives- Kitchen Edition
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My friend Julie had this awesome idea to rally the DIY troops and share some of our favorite makeovers from the past! As DIY Bloggers, lots of us have projects that get buried on our blog and new readers never get the chance to see them unless they have time on their hands to go back and explore! Today, we’re all sharing kitchens which makes me realize I cannot WAIT to have a modern stylish kitchen one day!
DIY Housewives 12 DIY KITCHENS
In the meantime, I’m sharing this $140 ReStore purchase that brought the kitchen in our old house from the 70s to AT LEAST the early 2000s. Not bad for a Benjamin and two twenties, amiright?
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The kitchen used to have an awful double decker island sort of a thing (head over to the post to really appreciate the transformation). When that came out, the whole space opened up. Our plan was to add our master bedroom above the kitchen and, in the process, raise the roof line and gut the kitchen… so this was DEFinitely a bandaid for a year or two. And then we moved!
The refrigerator ended up against the interior wall and my first Kitchen Command Center was born. (I’ve since replicated it in the new house and I like the new version WAY more.)
(Hang in there with the new house.. I’m super psyched to begin “Operation Take the 70s Out” of our CURRENT kitchen, but you’ll have to wait a few months on that one. For now… just enjoy the green floor tiles.)
I’m joined by a troupe of glamorous DIY Housewives sharing their kitchens. Spoiler alert: theirs are waaaay better than mine so be impressed with ours, but go and OGLE theirs.

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